Monday 31 March 2014

Evaluation Question 7

Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task, What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To The Full Product?
College Magazine:                                                                           Final Front Cover:












College Magazine:

Although my college magazine includes typical conventions I feel that I did not experiment with them to show any creativity in my product.
When I was creating my college magazine I was new to using Photoshop so I don't think that I was able to use all the features that I would have liked to as I was not familiar with the programme.
I now feel more confident when using Photoshop, I think that I have progressed and my skills have improved. When I was creating my college magazine I only cropped my imagine and added text. I was only aware of the shadow tool to make the text stand out.
Although the colours in the picture were bright already I did not know who to change the colours to make the text stand out.
I added stories on the front cover however looking back I think that the sizes of them look disproportionate. I don't think that I set out the text well either as each separate article looks like they are joined together as they are not well spaced throughout the cover.

Thoughts & Review of my College Magzine: