Wednesday 26 February 2014

Double Page Spread Article

With 2 singles from her debut album charting in the Top 40 and being signed to a label that carries the likes of The Wanted and Ariana Grande, we think, new pop princess Gabby deserves more recognition.

When she walks into the interview room smile beaming, festive jumper on and Starbucks in hand, I can already tell I’m going to love her. Her every day, normal style, polite nature and not forgetting her amazing raw talent makes me wonder why she’s not a global superstar yet, and why we don’t have more people like her in the public eye anyway.

S; Hi Gabby

G: Hi, it’s really nice to meet you

S; You too, now you’ve had a very busy couple of months haven’t you?

G; Yeah, you could say that, I would probably use the word crazy, but busy works too! I’ve been finishing up my debut album, I released it at the end of last month and doing a lot of promotion, it’s been quite hectic!

S; I can imagine! But it seems to be paying off, you’ve got 2 tracks in the Top 40 at the moment!

G; I know! I’m so grateful, not only for my marketing team who’ve helped me so much, but my fans too, they are the people that allow my life to be what it is. Without their support I would not be in the position I am today.

S; I think it’s great that you are openly appreciative of all the people around you and give them credit.

G; Thank you! Yeah, it annoys me when other artists take all the credit for the work because now I am in the business professionally I know they all have people behind the scenes helping them out.

S; Now back to your album, 2 singles from it are already in the Top 40 and it charted at No 3, not bad for a first timer!

G; (laughing) thanks! I know, I really can’t believe it, it’s so surreal, I’ve worked for so long on this to get it exactly as I like, so for other people to like it too and buy my songs is great!

S; And the all important Christmas No 1 week is coming up, do you think you could challenge for the win?

G; I really really hope so, like I said I’ve worked for so long and so hard on this album so if it got Christmas No 1 I would be over the moon

S; What inspired the album?

G; I loved the soul singers of the sixties, I wanted to incorporate that style into quite up-beat pop songs that people love to sing along too. I feel that in that era music was genuine, the singers wrote the songs, they weren’t just given one the label bought. I wrote most of the songs on my album, I did a few collaborations which I was really excited about, but these songs are just personal.

S; I think you really are right about music being genuine, a lot of the time now we find that songs sound the same and have the same themes, most of the songs we hear now are written by the same people.

G; Exactly and I think because they are written for other people they can be quite general, my songs are specific to me, they have meaning, and I hope that people can hear that in them.


Thursday 13 February 2014

Front Cover: Final Draft

Double Page Spread Draft 3: Final Draft

I like the layout of this spread, I have made Gabby bigger on the page so she flows across the middle, I have seen this technique used on existing double page spreads. I also took some inspiration from a DPS in Top of the Pops magazine that I saw, in which they had a little symbol that identified the specific page to the main story on the cover. I thought this was a good idea, as it means the reader can easily identify that the artcile links to the main story. I think that the way I have position the texts allows the reader to follow the article clearly. The boxes separate this information from the rest of the page. I have section off an area in the middle of the two columns to add a pull quote, I have not decided what this will be yet, but I know that it needas to be something eyecatching and exciting.
To improve this page further I will add a by line as this is another conventional feature that I think my page will benefit from.

Double Page Spread Draft 2

Double Page Spread Draft 1

Contents Draft 3 : Final Contents Draft

I have continued the house style of my magazine in the draft my continuing the mast head and colours.
I like the layout of this page a lot more than the others, I think that the articles are easier to read, they are in clear sections, and the different thickness of some words makes them stand out and catch the readers attention.
I have added more photo's on this one and I think it makes it look more interesting.
The subscription details stand out, therefore making the reader aware of the deal.
 A website address is clear at the bottom of the page next to the page number which the reader can use to find more information about the magazine.
I think to improve this page further I may add other links such as Facebook pages and Twitter links as now many companys use social media platforms to widen thier audience and to post thier content in more places.

Monday 10 February 2014

Taking Photos For Contents Page

These are some photo's that I didn't use on my contents page. I like both of these photos because I think that the facial expressions she is showing are intersting and I think that because she is looking down the camera it draws the reader in. I think the photos in which she is wearing the blue show personality again, I think these would make my contents page more exciting and intersting.
I have also taken photo's of the way I did my models hair for the photo on the right. I went for a simple pony tail, which I think my readers will relate to, with a lace braid on each side to add interest.