Thursday 13 February 2014

Double Page Spread Draft 3: Final Draft

I like the layout of this spread, I have made Gabby bigger on the page so she flows across the middle, I have seen this technique used on existing double page spreads. I also took some inspiration from a DPS in Top of the Pops magazine that I saw, in which they had a little symbol that identified the specific page to the main story on the cover. I thought this was a good idea, as it means the reader can easily identify that the artcile links to the main story. I think that the way I have position the texts allows the reader to follow the article clearly. The boxes separate this information from the rest of the page. I have section off an area in the middle of the two columns to add a pull quote, I have not decided what this will be yet, but I know that it needas to be something eyecatching and exciting.
To improve this page further I will add a by line as this is another conventional feature that I think my page will benefit from.

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