Thursday 10 October 2013

Conventions of a Contents Page

After looking at the conventions of a college magazine I have decided to look at the cover and contents page of a magazine ready for purchase on the high street that still has a similar target audience.

On the diagram underneath on the left I have identified some key conventions of the cover.
I have noted some key features of a contents page on the diagram underneath on the right.

  • The Masthead from the front cover is repeated onto the contents page in the same font this shows continuity.
  • The page numbers on the contents page are larger then the print making it clear to the reader what story is on which page.
  • The 'On the Cover' bubbles clearly indicate to the reader what are the feature stories that they had seen on the cover.
  • The main feature in each story has been put in bold which helps the reader see easily what this is.
  • The overall subject of what the stories on this page are, is featured clearly in the side of the page, this makes it easy for the reader to know what stories are related to
  • The picture on the page relates to the story so the reader can get a visual interpretation of what the article will include. 

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