Tuesday 26 November 2013

Hand Drawn Drafts

Front Cover:
Here I drew a basic draft of a front cover. I have included many conventions on the draft, including a masthead, skyline, plug, footer, bar-code and cover lines. These conventions will allow the reader to identify with the magazine as they would be used to seeing magazines with a similar style. An issue number and date will also be placed on the cover, this information makes it easy for the reader to see whether the magazine is up to date and new. 

Contents Page:
I have created a basic hand drawn draft of a potential layout of a contents page. I have included conventions such as pull quotes, which come from articles within the magazine, these give the reader a sneak peak of what is included in that article. I also have thumbnails/relating pictures to the articles so the reader can get a visual idea of what the article will be about. A conventional 'contents' title is located at the top of the page allowing the reader to easily see what page they are on.

Double Page Spread:
My hand drawn draft of a double page spread also includes typical conventions of a magazine. For example a main image is included, this will be of the artist on the cover therefore making it easy for the reader to make links between the cover and the article they are featured in. Pull quotes will placed around the page showcasing the most interesting or shocking parts of the text. A clear headline will be placed at the top of the left hand page, spread across onto the opposite page.

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