Thursday 28 November 2013

Names, Price & Release Ideas

Ideas for Names of My Pop Magazine:

Pop: Short, snappy, links to genre, connotations of happiness, bright
New Tunes:
Pop Hits:
Pop Up:
Music Mix:
The Mix:

Prices, Release & Reasons for My Pop Magazine:

£1.50 - (Weekly), less content in each magazine as it comes out more often, I think that this is a good price to ask for a weekly magazine that is aimed at 14 to 25 year olds because I believe that pocket money and weekly allowances would cover this cost each week. I think that is a reasonable price that people in this age category would be happy paying each week for a good quality music magazine.
£2.00 - (Fortnightly),
£3.00 - (Monthly), needs to be more expensive if it comes out less often, more content in each issue. I still think that this is a good price for a monthly music magazine that will have lots of content, I don't think that it is very expensive for what the reader will be getting in each issue. I still think that the people in my target age range will still be able to afford the magazine. This is a very similar price to existing pop magazines that have monthly publication.

Existing Magazines Price & Release:

We Love Pop: Released monthly at £2.99
Top of the Pops Magazine: Released monthly at £2.99
Billboard Magazine: Released weekly at $6.99

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