Monday 2 December 2013

Test Shots

Working in a group of 4 we took 10 test shots to look at the different types that could be used on a magazine front cover, and also to show examples of shots that would not be suitable.  We had to take examples of a 2 shot, a long shot, a group shot, medium close up, close up framing as a bad example, a posed shot.

This is an example of a long shot. This shot would not be suitable for a magazine cover because you can see the floor that is covered in wires, and the angle of the shot is unconventional for a magazine.
This shot is an example of a medium close -up. I think that this shot would be quite good if it were to be used as front cover for a magazine because I think that the space around the model helps to add conventional features like masthead, skyline and cover lines.
This shot is is an example of close up with bad framing. It is landscape which does not fit with the conventional framing of a magazine. The space around the photograph is not good because it doesn't allow you to be focused on the model in the image.
This shot is an example of a medium shot, that is posed.  Most magazine covers have a posed shot on the cover. However I don't think that shot would be suitable because I don't think that the shot is close enough and I believe that the framing of the shot is not that good because her am is cut out on the right hand side of the picture shot.
This shot would not be suitable for a magazine cover, the main focus of the image are not framed well and half of one of the models is cut off and is facing the wrong way.
This shot is an example of a medium close -up two shot. I think that this shot could be used on a magazine front cover because the models are framed nicely as you can them clearly in the image and there is space above their heads to add a masthead. I also think it would be good for a cover because they are looking directly at the camera capturing the attention of the reader. They are also posed which I think would look good on a cover.
This shot is an example of a medium close-up. I think that this shot would be suitable for a magazine cover because, the model is the main focus of the image, she is centred within the frame and there is space above her head and sides that would be helpful when adding conventional features such as a masthead and cover lines if it were to be used as a front cover.
This shot is an example of a medium long, group shot. I don't think this would be suitable for a front cover because I don't think the angle of the shot would look good because you can see the floor
medium group shot.

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