Monday 9 December 2013

Social Class & Demographics

I am going to be aiming my magazine at the social class E, because most of the people between the ages of 14 and 25 will be in compulsory or higher education and most likely not employed.
Therefore, to appeal to the target audience I have to have an understanding o what they will like and what they can afford.
On my magazine I will have to have things and people that my audience can identify with, so main-stream artists and free gifts that will draw the reader in.
I will probably include free gifts like posters or a free downloadable song as I think that these gifts would appeal to all ages in my target audience. As for prizes and competitions I don’t think that I will have things like holidays because they wouldn’t be able to go by themselves. I think that the prizes would be more tangible objects that link to the magazine.
By identifying the social class of audience it will help me to decide what stories and articles to feature in my magazine. For example, very highly intellectual articles that include a lot of information probably wouldn’t appeal to the audience because they would be more interested in the entertainment side. 

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